Tuesday – 7/9/2019 – TTT

A – 20 power snatch AFAP in sets of 5 unbroken @ 115lbs


(leg drive felt like it became the major limiting factor here)

B – Squat clean and jerk; 6 singles @ 215-230, minimal rest bt reps to keep quality high


C – Front squat – AMRAP 2 min @ 225lbs, take bar from floor

17 (definitely tried pushing to failure here.)


3 rounds, each for time:

10 DB step overs 50lbs

80 speed steps (only counting right foot)

rest 1:1 bw roundsĀ 



2:41 – shoelace came untied and tried to power through

Felt a little more athletic today but not a whole lot better. The step overs burned up my traps and shoulders that I was having to fight for good position on the speed steps.

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