Monday – 8/19/2019 – TTT

A1 – Band assisted front lever pulls x 3 with controlled negative, rest 30 sec

Much better this week

A2 – Ring tick tocks x 2-3, rest 60 sec

Started swinging a bit too much on a few sets, so I had to slow it down. A little sticky in shoulder but got way better each set

A3 – Parallette shoot throughs x 4/direction, try to keep hips high as you pass through, rest 90 sec x 5

I have to focus with such intent to keep my hips high passing through that more than 4 my quality would dip

B – (Muscle clean/Strict press) * 13 unbroken, light reps, rest 90 sec x 3 sets

85 – same load as last week. Was all good, 3rd set last 2 reps were a huge grind

C1 – Dbl DB box step overs x 12 for time @ 50/hand, 24in, new set every 3 min x 4

40-38-37-38 – was surprised how high my heart rate got here, was fine throughout the 12 reps but it skyrocketed following. Smooth and steady through 9-10 reps, those last 2-3 reps get to be where I could feel a fall off could happen if there was a lot more reps to go through


Side plank press ups x 6 into side plank hold x 20 sec, rest 40 sec bt sides

Left side is way weaker

Front plank on rings with small circle traces with hands x 30 sec (switch directions of circles at midway), rest 40 sec

Could feel my abs big time from engagement and residual soreness from saturday

Archer pushups on rings x 6 with single arm lateral reach and 6 with single arm overhead reach, rest 90 sec x 3-4 sets

Hit these at an angle, it wasn’t due to the pain, it was just not currently strong enough to have good quality on the left side for 6 reps. I will say that I definitely want to hit these for a few weeks. I can see some major value in them playing a role in my overall shoulder health

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