Tuesday – 12/10/2019 – TTT

10-15 min HS walk ‘play’

Today I messed around w/some parallete work, some peak core tension rock forward and back, as soon as i kicked up for handstand work I felt like I could control holds and walks, my holds weren’t long but I felt so much more control. I didn’t try to do any super long walks just trying to accumulate better positions. 


4 sets

400m run, directly into

18-15-12 reps each

Row cals 

Ski cals

AB cals

rest 5 min bt sets each

11 – 12:23 – 13:47 – 13:12 – the 400m run got longer and longer, I might have pushed set 1 & 2 a little too hard as my efforts there were not sustainable and felt it as I went into set 3. Tried to pull back a little in set 3 and felt I had more control in the last set. The last set was a little bit slower but my pace and intent was probably closer to were I needed to be earlier on in the first set 


Seated pike leg lifts over KB x 1 leg at a time x 5/direction, rest as needed x 3 sets

I owe you this still. When I attempted this right after, I could not get my quads to stop cramping up.

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