Tuesday – 7/11/2023


Ruck walk 1 mile, conversational

done – it was a nice cold day for this


Row 500m @ 1:58-2:00/500m, rest 120 sec x 12-15 sets

*target staying around 22-24 strokes/min

1:59—1:58.8—-1:59.1—–1:59.3—–1:58.9—–1:59.4—-1:58.8—-1:59.0—–(1:58.1—-1:57.7—-1:58.8—-1:58.9) – the last 3 sets are stopped looking at the monitor (using the force) to see if I could find the rhythm of staying the same pace, spm, target finish etc 


Ruck walk 1 mile, conversational

Only had time for 1200meters

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