Tuesday 10/31/2023


Bike erg 3-2-1 breathing progression


Breathing intervals

Echo bike

60 sec @ 70-72 RPM

rest 60 sec x 8

+ (rest 3 min)

60 sec @ 70-72 RPM

rest 45 sec x 6

+ (rest 2 min

60 sec @ 70-72 RPM

rest 30 sec x 4

**if you fail to hold the pace on any interval, stop and fall into a slow recovery ride for at least 8-10 minutes

Completed all intervals at prescribed paces


4 sets for quality

15 banded reverse squats from supine, ab mat under butt/low back

18 banded hip thrusts with pause and glute squeeze at top of each

45 sec loaded wall sit at parallel (true KB front rack)

Did later but completed

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