Monday 11/20/2023


A. Tabata Wall Facing Handstand Shoulder Taps for 5 x 20/40s.

Done – this got really hard

B. Handstand Walk AS SLOW AS POSSIBLE 3 x 25 Feet.

Slow is my normal speed

C. Handstand Walk 25, 25, 50, 50, 100 Feet.

**Note: Only move to the next set if you were able to complete the set unbroken. If you are unable to do these distances unbroken, then set a scaled version for yourself that is at your current level of capacity. 

The longest runway i had was 75ft….2 attempts at 75 and failed at 72 and 70


Every 90 sec x 6 sets

Odd sets – 12 toes to bar + 12 thrusters @ 95lbs

Even sets – 40 DU’s + 12 PC/PJ @ 95lbs

(within 3 min of last interval)

4 sets to find a tough but not maximal hang power snatch

Struggle bus for me today, wrist/front rack would not loosen up so the thrusters didn’t feel great as I was in a bad position the whole time. And pc/pj felt like it too so much energy.

175 on hang power snatch

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