Tuesday 11/28/2023


Thorough warmup


Every 2 min x 4 sets or until you miss

Echo bike x 27 cals (must finish in < 90 sec)

1:15-1:16-1:23-1:27 – reset the bike on every interval and I was not going to do that again 

(rest 5 min after 4th, or after you miss)

Every 3 min x 4 sets or until you miss

Echo bike x 36 cals (must finish in < 120 sec)


(rest 5 min after 4th, or after you miss)

Echo bike 70 cals for time (target of sub 4)

3:53 – had 36 cals at the 2 min mark and I closed my eyes until I guess I was within range – lined then at 61 cals and 3:30 on the clock so had to switch gears and finish 


Bike/walk cooldown


Down regulation breathing x 5-8 min BEFORE you leave gym

This was hands down the best part of the day and i was pretty close to falling asleep

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