Monday – 11/27/2023


A. Tabata Wall Facing Handstand Shoulder Taps for 5 x 30/30s.

B. Handstand walk obstacle tech work 10 min.

C. Handstand Walk 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 Feet.

I was having a terrible time with my handstand walks, just bad midline positions, felt i couldn’t open my shoulders up, the handstand obstacle walk tech link was of the handstand walk not tech work. So i did the conditioning work and then came back and revisited this. Coming back around after the row and bb work handstand walking went much much better. Did the same as last week. 25-50-70x 3


3 sets

20 cal row (finish sub 60 sec)

4 ground to overhead @ 225lbs

rest 4 min bt sets

2:35 — 2:17 — 2:24 – just did not feel good cycling the heavy barbell today and attacked the rower a little harder than i should’ve on the first one, and i paid for it on the first bb

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