Wednesday – Monday – 12/11/2023 – 12/10/2023


A. Split Jerk: Build to a tough single – Blocks allowed

255 – back is tight, but didn’t effect jerk per se, just the confidence I had in going much heavier

B. Pistol: 1min AMRAP, alternating

My low back was so stiff and tight, i did everything to try and loosen it up but just couldn’t get it to move and when i tried a pistol it just wasn’t happening


For time:


Unbroken sets of Hang Power Snatch – 115lbs

Run 2 min @ easy recovery pace b/t sets

*If unable to hit each set unbroken, lower weight to something you can complete touch and go for today.

Completed and actually pretty excited, normally 115 is a really tough weight cycling the barbell with snatch


For time

3-6-9 wall walks

20 GHD situps

90-60-30 DU’s

I do not remember at all but with back stiffness ghdsu were not good and did not feel smooth there at all – i actually felt good with wall walks and worked on the tng wall walk techique….once again i do not remember time, wall walks and dubz were good but ghdsu really slwoed it down.

12/7 – OFF



Really really good piece here with pulling gymnastics, ski and hang clean and jerk


A – Bench: 4,4,2-4,2-4; 80,85,90,95% 5RM

185-200-210-215 for 2 I didn’t go heavier without a spotter


EMOM x 8-12:

Min 1. 20 sec AMSAP False Grip Ring to Chest Hold

Min 2: 20 sec AMSAP Ring Support Hold – Top

Min 3: 20 sec AMSAP Ring Support Hold – Bottom

Min 4: Rest


For time

Ski 1k

90ft HS Walk (15ft down + 15ft back segments)

Ski 1k

60 sec Free HS Hold in 5ft x 5ft box

Ski 1k

30ft HS Walk w/ Pirouettes

Ski 1k

Wasn’t happening today, my wrist (the ganglion cist) that popped up 9-12 months ago and has been completely dormant has been really really irritatinig. I thought i was having wrist issues but realized today it was this. It goes away within 5 minutes of stopping wrist flexion

*Score is total time.

If capped:

1 rep = 5ft HS Walk segment

1 rep = 10 sec of free HS Hold

1 rep = 15ft HS Walk Segment or 1 Pirouette

*Reset monitor each round.

*HS Walk – must be completed in 5ft unbroken segments

*HS Hold – time starts when feet are off the ground, time stops if hands touch any part of the box or when feet touch the ground

*HS Walk w/ Pirouette – Must walk 10ft to pirouette box. If you fail pirouette, you may start outside of the box and walk back in. You do not have to complete the 10ft hs walk again. Pirouette rep is complete once you have completed full rotation and walk hands outside of the opposite the line you entered.

12/10 – OFF


A. Power Snatch: 3,3,3; rest as needed – 65,70,75% of 1RM. drop from top after each


B. Back Squat @ 31X1: 5,5,X; rest as needed – 60%, 65%, AMRAP (-2) @ 70%

215-235-255×9 – didn’t think i had 9 in the tank but was very very happy with that


2 Sets, each for Time:

18 Cal Row

12 CTB Pull-ups

9 Deadlifts @ 225lbs

6 Burpee Box Jump Overs – 24in

rest 2min bw sets



SPRINT Effort:

2 Rounds for Time:

15 Cal Row

5 Shuttle Runs


I know this is a deload week for WIC, but man is it the deload i need for the weekend i had….much appreciated.

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