Wednesday – 2/21/2024


A. Squat Clean: Build to a heavy strong single for the day in 5 attempts; One attempt every 90 seconds

*Once you warm-up above 75%, attempts begin. Based on 1RM Hang Squat Clean

270 – squat felt really strong and a lot more in the tank, pull off the floor did not feel the same confidence


Every 4 min x 4 sets – Alternating Sets:

Set 1:

15 Box Jumps – 24in – step up/down allowed

AMRAP OHS @ 155 until 90 sec mark

9-11 – couple of good things here, warming up and in the set, I was able to clean and jerk to an overhead position with no pain, that was not the case on monday…..first set, i did 6 and 4, second set I decided i was going to try and hold on to the bar and go all the way but then I stopped at -1, and had no pull left with a few seconds left to get one more rep jumped on all box jumps

Set 2:

20 alternating Pistols

AMRAP Hang Power Cleans @ 155lbs until 90 sec mark

10 & 14 – totally underestimated how the bar would feel for the first rep, i couldn’t get any rhythm on the second set i found the groove a little more and got some bop bop cleans in there – pistols were not fast but felt ok


3min Clock:

18 Cal Row

8 DB Power Clean @ 50lbs

AMRAP bar Muscle Ups until the 2min mark

x 3 Sets

6-7-5 – the first set my grips had no grip so i changed them on and that made a big difference. The 3rd set i was on top of the bar as time expired so it could’ve been 6 if i want to bro rep myself

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