Tuesday – 3/26/2024


No warmup machines

Every 3:30 x 8

Row 500m @ 1:57-1:59/500m

Didn’t write down times from C2 but hit all targets and more on the lower end than the higher end of the marks


Every 3:30 x 8

Echo bike 25 cals @ 63-65 RPM

Did not have the time to rest as needed between the two so kept the clock running and right into the bike work. I actually felt like I really needed to pull back and try to stay in the target range….if I wasn’t looking at the monitor I would hover around 66 so i was close but 1RPM consistently above range and felt easy


A1 – Band pull aparts palms up x 10-12

A2 – Band pull aparts palms down x 10-12

A3 – Diagonal band pull aparts x 6-8/side, rest as needed x 3 sets

B – 1-arm alternating shoulder taps from front plank x 20-30, rest 90 sec x 3 sets (press actively into floor with down hand)

Done and done

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