Monday 080612

Today starts the 1st day in the new cycle. Over the next 6-8 weeks we will be focusing on block work. The cycle will also consist of 2 on 1 off 3 on 1 off and will have minimal conditioning work posted. If you feel like doing met-con work on your own do it but that will be a small focus during this phase. If you do met-cons keep it around 8 minutes or under to focus on the speed and strength development in our lifts.

heavy athletics
A. Back Squat; work up to a heavy single, no where near failure
rep scheme for work is 2-2-2-2 (this includes warm up sets) then 1-1-1-1
B. Back Squat; 60/10 x 3
C. Power Snatch; 65/3 x 4
take your time setting up for these triples and focus on being fast. Do not rush these lifts.
D. Hang Snatch High Pull; 75/4 x 2

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