Saturday – 6/27/2015 – TTT 


30 min air bike @ Z1
Will have to do later in my day due to a busy Saturday schedule.

15 min thoracic spine and pec mobility


Very poor night of sleep and under fueled for breakfast due to a very busy Saturday schedule. That is why I needed to lift first and will do zone 1 work later.

A – Paused power clean from below knees – 1 rep every min on the minute for 12
Focused on a 2 Mississippi in each pause
205 x 3
215 x 3
225 x 3
230 x 2
245 x 1
250 x 1
I know I did one extra set but I had the confidence to hit this and I am super excited about since the last time I tested a power clean 250/255 was work and borderline receiving position. And also excited for hitting this after being out of my comfort zone for am training, sleep and fuel.


B – 10 min AMRAP
1-arm alternating DB snatch x 10 @ 70lbs
5 strict pullups

5 + 2
Limiter was db snatch pulling endurance. This movement has always taken a ton of energy out of me and suffer from major attrition from round to round.


C – Face down chinese planks, full activation, 20 sec on 1:40 off x 4
Had a feeling this was going to be tougher than expected and now I can not wait to apply this to training my individual clients.

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