Wednesday- 7/8/2015 – TTT- video 

A1 – Half kneeling 1-arm landmine press x 8/arm, rest 1 min
35-40×2, 45
2 second pause made a huge difference and the left side was a grind on the last 2 sets.

A2 – 1-arm suitcase deadlift x 8/arm, rest 1 min x 4
115 across.
Right side is much harder than my left side. Got video of the difference in my stability from right to left on the difference in my spinal erectors and QL. On the right side, I feel like I spend so much energy trying to stabilized spine instead of just moving.

Here is video to see if you notice anything major. I have always had a little atrophy from one side to the other and this is where some of my QL discomfort I know stems from.


B1 – DB skull crushers x 12, rest 1 min
30 across
Set 4 around rep 9/10 got harder to lock out the left arm without losing major form

B2 – DB arc rows x 6/arm, rest 1 min x 5
20 x 4, 25 last set.
Felt more comfortable with these today and focused on using lats and rear delts


C – Wtd bear crawl x 30 sec, 90 sec rest x 6
Might have cheated here a little bit by using a sandbag. 40lb. Got better every round as I felt more stable and had way better body control. Didn’t have accurate measurements but came close to 50ft and very round and actually got to where I liked these after I got through laughing after the first round of not being able to balance the bag at all.


D – Airdyne 12 sec HARD, 48 sec slow spin x 10, rest walk 5 min x 2
Felt really strong with 12 seconds today. The suck really started to kick in around round 7. I’m able to maintain in the upper 900’s and low 1000 watts pretty consistently.

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