Saturday- 9/19/2015 – TTT

Was not in a good psychological state to start off the day. Started warming up and got into the work but got distracted with business stuff. So had to start all over again later and warm up again. For the record my #’s for a and b were better my second time around, I did close to the same warm up, will make note of this if/when I do any events in a different time zone and how my body responds to stimulus at different times of waking.

A – Seated Z-press @ 21X2 tempo x 5-6, rest 2 min x 5 sets
30 X 6 X 1, 40 X 6 X 3, 45 X 5 X 1


B – 12 strict HSPU for time from 2in deficit, rest walk 3 min x 5 sets
1:11 (4/4/4) – 1:21 (4/4/4) – 1:53 (3/3/2/2/2) – 1:34 (4/4/4) – 1:59 (4/3/3/2)


C – 3 min clock, all out effort

15 C2B pullups

12 Dbl KB front squats @ 53/hand

9 Power Cleans @ 135lbs

AMRAP burpee over bar in remaining time

rest walk 3 min x 2 sets
My mind and body do not like going all out. On round one I felt I went really fast, c2b felt really good and not a ton of energy expenditure so I’m excited about this. Front squats were fast. Tng reps of 5/4 finished around 1:28, felt pretty smoked and grinder through the burpee’s as fast as I could.
Round 2, c2b felt good again but was slower on the front squats, just was mentally in pain. All singles in the cleans until the last 2. Finished at 1:58. Knew I had 30 seconds less so I wanted to push harder on the burpee and wanted to get to 2″ but couldn’t keep up the cycle rate.
I also could’ve warmed up a little better for this but was strapped for time.
I know this max effort work is where I struggle and a weakness so I am embracing the challenge and understand it doesn’t take as long to adapt to this stimulus, however for me, it will be the mental blocks that will be the hardest to get over. So thank you for challenging me and helping me improve where I need to. In hindsight I can do more and can’t wait for the next opportunity, and will have a better mental approach and find myself in a better place psychologically


D – Crossover symmetry and row flush

Done and 10 minutes of cool down rowing with a get up and walk around break at the halfway mark.

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