Tuesday – 11/17/2015 – TTT


30 min swim, alternate strokes as comfortable, but try to stay moving
Was actually swimming in the pool today with a high level coach so took advantage of his cues. So it turned into about an hour of swim lessons and I had some huge breakthroughs. I went from dreading the pool to looking forward to next week to get back in the water.


A – Strict HSPU – 3 sets of 10 unbroken for time, figure out appropriate rest time to optimize score
2nd set started @ :40, third set @ 1:40
Used an 80ft walk b/t 1 and 2, and did that 2x b/t 2 and 3. Rd 3 was continuous and steady and could’ve shaved a couple of seconds but much shorter and would’ve been potentiality been a struggle. So have some good metrics for rest that can be adapted and adjusted easily if we do this again.


B – 3 sets of 15 unbroken C2B pullups for time, same as above
2nd rd at :52, 3rd rd @ 2:15
Opted to rest a little longer for the last set to maintain butterfly instead of having to default to a gymnastics kip. Felt the fatigue of lats from swimming in Set 2, but focused on breathing and tight midline and helped me real it back in mechanically.


C – 10 min AMRAP

Run 400m

30 DU’s

15 Russian KB swings 2 pd
3 + 200m
Wanted to keep my runs consistent and sustainable under 2′. Missed my dubz in round 2, haven’t been as dialed in with my double unders lately.


D – Row 5 min cooldown

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