Wednesday – 1/6/2016 – TTT (video)

Felt really really good with my performance today by way of pushing my effort.
Used a detailed and thorough warm up.
And the biggest difference today was after my normal breakfast (plus a few extra carbs) I did not eat a snack like I normally do. Instead supplemented with some BCAA. I’m not going to attribute my effort today to those two factors but I will test this out a few more training week days and see if the mental and physical stimulus is the same.
Also C2B pull ups felt much improved, 2nd set felt the best and wish I had video’d that one to show but I get set 3 and 4, and even though they didn’t feel as good as #2, I still feel like I have improved a lot here.

A – Clean pulls from blocks just below knee 4×4, rest 2 min
130-135-140-145-150 (kilos) (did an extra set, b/c obviously the first set was too conservative)


B – 4 sets, start a set every 5 min (push the pace)

15 C2B pullups

10 deadlifts @ 225lbs

5 burpee box jumps to 30in
56/53/54/51 (went double overhead on last set to not waste time setting up with mixed grip, would not have been able to keep up the pace on deads had I done this prior to the last set, was pulling mostly with low back.


C1 – 1-arm hang from rings ALAP, 2 sets/hand
10 seconds was a fight every time on the left side, stayed the same on the right side even though could have gone a little longer

C2 – Inverted thigh slaps x 10 (5/side), rest as needed x 4 sets (1 after each hang)

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