Friday – 1/22/2016 – TTT


A – Squat clean cluster from high blocks – 1.1.1 x 4, rest 15 sec/2 min
Missed 2nd attempt at 285, so rest closer to 20/25, and then hit the next two


B – Front Squat – 4,4,4,4,4. Rest 3 min
275 across – probably a bit heavy for the first set, but grinded through all. Reps 1-2, weren’t bad, rep 3 was good and rep 4 was the grind
These took a lot out of me today but it was not to move some weight.

For warm up I did 4 rounds at 95% effort
8 deadlifts
3 tng power snatch @ 125
9 Cals on rower
3 tng power snatch @ 125
8 deals it’s

Open workout 15.1

So I decided today I was going to go for it and just see what happened. Set a little plan and goals, goal was to start a round every 1:15, I paced round 1 and finished not to much ahead of that pace, so I stayed with that being the plan, and pretty much went right into it. I was able to stay at this uncomfortable fast pace for 4 rounds. But it was in round 4 that I started feeling my girl go, I had to come off the bar at 5 reps in TTB as I just couldn’t hold on.

Even though this performance was down from previous attempt, I’m still happy that I executed a warm up that got me uncomfortable, let the heavy breathing just happen in the workout and didn’t try to slow it down.

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