Monday – 1/25/2016 – TTT

A – Clean grip deadlifts – 3-4 reps @ 21X1 tempo, rest 3 min x 5 sets
275 X 4, 295 X 4, 315 X 3, (used straps for the last 2 sets, almost lost bar on set of 315 and reason I only did 3, also knew how today’s focus appears to have some grip endurance work so thought it would be ok since I felt I could move heavier weight at this tempo) 335 X 3, 345 X 3
B – Seated good mornings x 6-8 @ 2020 tempo, rest 2 min x 4 sets
85 X 8 X 2, 95 X 8 X 2
C1 – Deadlift static hold 30 sec, rest 30 sec (tough load for this time range, no mixed grip)
255 – last round was a fight but 30 seconds was never in question, 5-10 more seconds would’ve been tough though.
C2 – 15 C2B pullups for time, rest walk 3 min x 4 sets
This is fun that I am building tons of confidence in my chest to bars. I feel huge progress here but still room to grow
D – Prowler push back and forth 45 sec continuous movement, rest 45 sec x 4, rest 4 min x 2 sets (heavy but keep turnover high)
135 – thought was easy after first 45, changed my mind after round 2 into round 3
E – For time: 400m Dbl farmer carry @ 2pd/hand
5:40 (going to go with this as it might have been 4:40). Limiter here was less about my grip endurance and more about my trap endurance

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