Wednesday – 1/27/2016 – TTT

A – Scap circles from knees – 60 sec continuous steady movement, rest 60 sec x 4
done – the muscular coordination of this was difficult but a great start to the session as my rear delts were super smoked and this helped warm up.
B – 12 reps for time 1-arm alternating KB snatch @ 2pd, rest 2 min x 4 sets
44/32/36/34 (did better on transitioning from arm to arm after 1st set, but still didn’t not feel comfortable with a consistent rhythm of alternating)
C1 – 30 unbroken wallballs, rest 30 sec
C2 – 6 MU’s for time, rest walk 4 min x 4 sets
Wasn’t until the 3rd round that I thought the wall balls would even have an effect on the muscle ups, muscle ups didn’t feel great today but doing six in a row was never in question
D1 – X-band walk x 12 steps/direction, rest 1 min
D2 – Glute ham raises x 8, rest 1 min x 3

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