Wednesday – 2/10/2016 – TTT

A – Hang Power clean from below knee x 3, 6 building sets, rest 2-3 min
Didn’t feel as powerful today, could’ve hit one maybe two for a power at 245, but more than likely would’ve had to squat one if not two of them so this was about top end for the day. M
15-12-9 for time
AB cals
Toes to bar
The 9’s sucked and just felt shifty, TTB were solid but hands were tender but unbroken as they should be.
+ (rest exactly 1 min)
90 sec AMRAP power cleans @ 185lbs
6 in the first 30 seconds, wanted to get 5 and 4, but it was 4 and 4. Thumbs and hands were so sore that I tried doing some touch and go in warm ups but just east going to happen.
3:30 AB @ 85-90% aerobic pace, rest walk 90 sec x 4
done –

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