Monday – 2/15/2016 – TTT

A1 – Row 750m @ 2k pace, rest 30 sec
A2 – 20 toes to bar for time, rest walk 3 min x 3
Would’ve been able to do a 4th set unbroken, pretty confident of that, but would’ve resorted to the big kip, as I felt my lats start to fatigue with the quick short ROM in rd 3.
B1 – Row 750m @ 2k pace, rest 30 sec
B2 – 15 power cleans for time @ 135lbs, rest walk 3 min x 3
This sucked but I just mentally grinded through here, was losing focus on rower and just had to make myself push on the cleans.
C – Sled drag 800m @ sled + bodyweight
underestimated how shitty this was going to be. Ran out of time so could only do 600m, but it flat out sucked.

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