Wednesday – 2/17/2016 – TTT

A – BB Z-press @ 21X2 x 5-6, rest 2 min x 4
95/105/105 X 5 X 2
B – For time
50 strict HSPU (4:44)
50 deadlifts @ 185lbs (7:18)
50 burpees (13:15)
50 cal row (15:54)

Rep breakdown and notes
Hspu – probably came out a little too hot, but had a back up plan in case it didn’t work. Did a set every 30 seconds 11/6/5 dont remember from there, at 42 wanted to finish it out, but fought for 6, came down and finished with a quick 2
Deadlift – did 31, bad choice, got a little dizzy, after that 11/9
Burpees by far took the most out of me and the longest, tried to find a pace to keep moving. Knew going into this workout if it was in a comp the quickest threw the Burpee and row would probably have the best times (excluding hspu capacity)
Row – wanted to pick my spot when to go, at the 2 min mark on rower I picked up my spm, wish I would’ve done it 15-20 seconds sooner as I could have sustained that pace.

C – 30 min mobility/flow work

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