Friday – 6/3/2016 – TTT

PAILS/RAILS overhead shoulder flexion and sleeper stretch – 90 sec – 10 sec @ 80% – 45 sec – 10 sec @ 80% (1 time through for each arm/stretch)
TGU – 32 alternating reps not for time @ 53lbs
Today was the first day of these that I felt I could move through them rather “quickly” with high efficiency and mechanics
For time, 12-9-6
Deadlifts @ 275lbs
Bar over burpees
+ (rest 10 min)
For time, 21-15-9
Power cleans @ 135lbs
AB cals

General notes on today and the two pieces as a whole. For starters, the temperature at the time of my training was 110 degrees. Definitely played a role, in the first piece i knew I needed to be fast but conservative as temp would factor in. Deadlifts felt challenging but I was happy that even when I was breathing high I still picked up the barbell right away and moved it well. The burpees were a bitch. I tried to stay on my tempo and not sure where I was relative to that. But i was excited to get to the deadlifts.

The cleans and AB, I did not feel fully recovered, started out with singles all the way, after the first set on the AB I felt a lot better, 15 were sinlges until the last 3 which almost felt like a mistake, and the last set did 1, and then 8 tng at this point the AB felt like it helped me recover to improve my feel, breathing and overall economy of movement on the cleans

And also for the record, tomorrow is supposed to be 117, thankfully PM is only lifting heavy shit.

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