Wednesday – 6/8/2016 – TTT

A – Banded strict HSPU – 16 sets of 4, not for time, rest as needed
Done – around set 12/13 was when these started getting really challenging
B – OHS @ 22X1 tempo x 2, rest 2 min x 5 sets
Felt really freaking good here. Most I have OHS in a long time. Pretty stoked about this. The 260 felt better than the 245, probable rested closer to 3 minutes than 2, but technically they were 2 extra sets after a set at 185 and 205, I wasn’t sure how high I could go based on last week’s numbers and feel.
For time
Run 800m (4:07)
50 unbroken wallballs
Run 600m (9:38)
30 unbroken wallballs
Run 400m (13:38)
15 unbroken wallballs

We can use the term run loosely after the set of 50 wall balls. The distance for the 600 is the only distance I have in question, + or -. On the set of 50, felt the upper body fatigue around 35, in the 30’s around 22/23, and 15’s felt strong. Fatigue was more trap based. Temp at time of session was only 103.

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