Friday – 6/24/2016 – TTT

GG workout #4

Not sure what I could do drastically different here other than go faster on the OHS. If I had a pacer marking my rest would’ve helped a little, but I still hit fatigue on the t2b anyway. Major limiter was the ab endurance but didn’t notice it until the set of 15 on the back end. On the set of 10, starting losing my grip on the last 2 reps of the set. Tried to take 10 seconds rest b/t sets, but turned into 12-14 by the time I started the next grouping of reps

Rep breakdown as follows
5 / 5
10 / 10
15 / 10-5
20 / 10-5-5
15 / 5-5-5
10 / 5-4-1
5 / 1-1-1-1-x-1

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