Friday – 9/30/2016 – TTT

Thorough run warmup+

Had to make some adjustments today. The 400m route that I attempted to run today had such a steep grade incline that in a run at 90% took me a 1:27. So I had to go with a 200m route which lead to changing directions 3x. Know this would change times as well just made sure my times were consistent and distances I ran were consistent as well. 
Run 400m @ 90% effort, start a new set every 90sec x 4

all around :59-1:02

Planche walk in on toes x 3 controlled reps (shift weight to hands as much as possible)

placed my hands about 1-2 inches from the wall and my goal was to touch my back to the wall while in my lean. Gave me good feedback that I was fighting for the right weight shift. 

GHD twisting hip extensions x 4/side

Stir the pots on stability ball x 8/direction

4 sets, rest as needed

once again only had access to a med ball 


Run 400m @ 90% effort, start a new set every 90sec x 4 (repeat efforts from first set)

times were consistent with the first set 

Air bike 10 min cooldown


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