Saturday – 11/26/2016 – TTT

A – Deadlifts – 8 sets of 10 TNG reps @ 245-265lbs, rest as needed245

Since I didn’t get to do this last week stayed at 245, felt good and fast. Liked this because mentally I need to be comfortable doing this kind of tng work

B1 – Bent over supinated grip KB rows x 8-10

53 x 10 across 

B2 – Wall walk into lateral HS walk x 10ft/direction controlled movement

going right was easier than left. 4th set got hard and focused more on being stacked and super hollow 

B3 – Parallette L-sit hold 15-20 sec, rest as needed x 5 sets

right around 8-9 seconds toes dropped to parallel and fought to keep them from dropping to far below hip level 

C1 – Banded psoas march w/ active hollow in deadbug position x 5/foot (band around feet)

loved this 

C2 – Banded kneeling hip extensions x 10, rest as needed x 5 sets

also loved this 

D – Heavy bear hug carry 100ft into squats AMRAP, rest 3 min x 3 sets (make this hurt, again)


i am going to look at buying my own sandbag because this sucks holding two 45lb plates.Would be able to push to a darker place if I didn’t have to worry so much about holding, and squeezing two plates together. 

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