Wednesday – 12/7/2016 – TTT

Just a shitty training night. Trained at 7:30pm, completely out of my comfort zone. On my feet all day, not used to fueling for such a late training session, did spend a thorough amount of time warming up and getting the joints ready to move with activation and locomotion. A – Squat clean – build to tough single


Solely relied on speed and mechanics getting under the bar. 

B – Hang squat clean from hip – 6 singles, rest 90 sec. work on timing of pull under, staying in touch with bar and receiving in good position to bounce out of bottom. load should be heavy enough to ‘feel’ but all reps should be crisp with timing focus


Missed 245 on front so I just played it smart and listened to my body. 

C1 – Clean pulls x 3, rest 30 sec

295 across 

Used straps on the last set and that felt better 

C2 – Depth broad jumps x 3 for distance, rest 3 min x 4 sets (warm up ankles/calves for this)

haven’t done this in a long time but it was fun to incorporate this into today. Got better with the timing, energy transfer and minimizing ground contact each set and feeling what explosiveness I had tonight. 


Every 90 sec x 6 rounds

Odd sets – 15 toes to bar 

UB on sets 1-4, 13/2 – 5, 10/5 last set 

Even sets – 75ft bear hug carry + 5 squats (sandbag/slamball, tough)

used an old punching bag so it was horrifically odd object and sucked! 

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