Saturday – 3/4/2017 – TTT

5-6 min DB front rack lunge skill work (only if elbow allows to do this with no pain. play around the with the vertical stack, and try to smooth out the movement, i think that there is a good chunk of time to be had here for everyone ive seen so far by moving more deliberately here, so just play here today)I really like the vertical stacking, but I feel it takes a little longer to get in the right position. So I tried just that for quite a few times without the lunges. Elbow felt ok, so was glad that I could practice positions.

A – Power snatch x 1/Hang Power snatch x 1 – new complex every 90 sec x 8

165 (x3) – 175(x3) – 185(x2)

B – Front squat @ 20X1 x 6, rest 2 min x 4 (do this as zombie squat if needed to avoid tension at elbows)


Went with front squat and tried to use as a big stretch

C1 – KB Banded OH carry x 100ft, rest 90 sec

C2 – Yoke back rack carry x 100ft (break at 50), rest 90 sec x 4

This was stupid, lol. Only because i had to pretty much go on the 25ft track so I had to turn around 4 times. 


For time

AB 50 cals

100 DU

Ab 40 cals

80 DU

AB 30 cals

60 DU


Subbed 800-600-400m runs for AB. 

Shoes came untied in first round, uncharacteristic of not paying attention to that detail.


bicep and tricep openers and elbow care


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