Tuesday – 3/28/2017 – TTT

8-10 min bike, easy pace+

Foot/ankle drills 1 time through, 20ft/movement (walk on toes, walk on heels, walk toes out, walk toes in, walk on outside of foot, walk on inside of foot, high knees, butt kicks)

20ft is way better than the 50 on the link 

Glute airplanes x 3/direction/side

Quadruped rockbacks x 4-5

Frog stretch x 20 sec

Pancake stretch with side bends x 4-5/side

2-3 times through



14 rounds

Run 90 sec @ high aerobic but sustainable pace

walk 45 sec with belly breathing

got the chance to do this on a true form today. Goal was to keep speed above 7, below 10/9mph. 

Was good until interval 11-14. This was the point where I became noticeably inconsistent in my running mechanics 


Ido portal squat routine in full

still super jealous of Ido. 

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