Tuesday – 4/11/2017 – TTT

10 min easy bike, full inhale/exhale with each breath+

15 min, steady effort

Tucked hollow rocks + tucked hollow body hold

Ring L-sit x 6-8 sec

Pistol practice (work some counterweight airborne lunges and some deck squats to single leg)


5 min easy row, 2 breaths/stroke


15 min, steady effort

Jefferson deadlifts x 4-5/side at steady tempo

Wall assisted shoulder stand rebalancing on parallettes x 15-20 sec

1-arm DB squat snatch skill work (do some power into squat, then progress into catching at full depth)


5 min easy row, 2 breaths/stroke


15 min continuous effort

No touch underswitch x 3/side (https://www.instagram.com/p/BFhxkaIInDz/)

Side plank x 20 sec/side

60 sec easy bike

Sandbag on shoulder TGU x 2/side

Sorenson hold x 30 sec

60 sec easy row

Pretty good movement today, felt good on the hollow holds and l-sits. Jefferson deadlift didn’t feel as comfortable today as the last time we had them in design. DB squat snatch felt good positionally. 
Underswitch were fun and sneakingly challenging and sandbag on shoulder TGU was an interesting challenge. 
But good breathing and blood flow with quality work.

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