Monday – 12/11/2017 – Video – TTT

6 times through this complex, rest as needed for quality
8 chin over bar
5 C2B
2 bar MU
this was fucking terrible. Hand wasn’t completely healed from last week so the dead skin kept ripping away, between babying that and I’m pretty convinced now that I am over pulling my chest to bar making that bar muscle up way harder than it should be.
First set done but was just a shit show after that, subconsciously was protecting my hand so it didn’t even look like I knew what I was doing. So I didn’t even get the chance to get all the volume in.

Dead hang to inverted to tucked ring tick tocks x 3, rest 2 min x 4-5 sets for quality (reminder for video this week so i can get you some feedback)
after watching video of my first set it is apparent that I did not do a single ring tick tock last week. Needless to say, I only did 4 sets today because that last little bit of increasing range of motion was a game changer.
Ring Tick Tocks
Parallette Support slide in and outs x 3 slow reps for control (
Tucked pseudo planche with feet on bands x 15-20 sec
rest as needed x 5 sets
Dead bugs with mini band on feet x 6/side with light KB held overhead 2in off ground
Side plank rotate unders x 4/side
Dead hang to inverted to tucked front lever x 2 controlled reps
4-5 times through, rest as needed

because the gymnastics complex did me in again, hit this today with way more focus and intensity in an attempt to salvage what could’ve been a negative session. This helped me finish on a high note.

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