Tuesday – 12/12/2017 – TTT

A – Power snatch – x 4, rest 8 sec/2 min
Kind of surprised myself here. One of the 195’s definitely not pretty, and 2 we’re very solid powers, 2 were probably pretty close but I’m confident they were still powers
B – (Hang squat snatch x 1/Snatch balance x 1) x 3, rest 2-3 min x 4 sets
This was way tougher than I expected, but really felt good hip drive during the latter reps, some of the snatch balance did not move my feet well.
6 sets @ high effort, rest 90 sec bt sets, goal will be building in intensity as you go
8 1-arm shoulder to overhead @ 70lbs (switch after 6)
10 burpee box jumps @ 24in
15 cal row

2:27 – f’d up with the dumbbell

Goal was to keep a similar pace on the burpee for the first 3 rounds and then pick up the pace for the last 3. Row goal was to increase 1000cal/hr each set. Accomplished. Last set finished 1600-1700 and even dipped into 1800 for 2 strokes.

Hollow rocks with light weight in hands x 15-20 sec, rest 90 sec x 4
Banded lat pulldown and aparts x 8-10
DB powell raise x 8/side
DB external rotation with elbow on knee x 8/side
3 times through, rest as needed
can we do this more frequently. I feel I should be stronger in these positions and movement patterns

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