Tuesday – 12/26/2017 – TTT

Glad Christmas is in the rear view mirror, no more cookies around and bad food. Perfect training design for today. I knew today would be a struggle with all the inflammatory foods I have been consuming, which was very relative in my performance and the perceived limiters.

16 bar facing burpees @ 93% effort, new set every 2:30 x 3

13 burpee box jump overs @ 24in, new set every 3 min x 3

In these two the limiter felt more LME than breathing.

10 dbl DB burpee box step over @ 50/hand to 20in box, new set every 3 min x 3
Those extra 2 made a difference today, and just found a better stepping rhythm

E4MOM x 4 sets
Row 50 cals
15 C2B pullups
Didn’t get many metrics on this, first 2 sets were solid. Kept rower around 1100. Round 3 keeping above 1000 didn’t happen a lot and round 4 took me about 3:20 to row the 50 cals. On the positive side of things went unbroken on all c2b, and the only ones that didn’t feel great were the last 5 reps but maintained rhythm the whole time so that’s the positive.

accumulate 60 GHD situps and 30 GH raises for quality, not for time

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