Monday – 4/9/2018 – TTT

Spent a ton of time in shoulder extension protocol which was good, but it forced me to cut my session short, but I will take it especially since this was the first day pushing it a little bit.

A – Squat snatch x 12 singles for quality, rest 90 sec
165 – was a little rusty but it felt good to put some weight overhead
B – Clean x 3/Jerk x 1 – 6 complexes for quality, rest 2 min
205 – didn’t feel as good as the snatch – if I caught the clean and didn’t have great external rotation in rack position than it was a little painful
C – Front Squat – 4 sets of 3, rest 3 min, keep concentric speed high
185 – when i was warming up if I got lazy and didn’t keep my torso up, I was reminded by being pulled in a bad position and pain. So I decided to go super light, slow negative and fast concentric
6 sets
AB 18 cals
9 burpees to 6in touch
6 box jump overs (30in)
rest 90 sec bt sets
Didn’t have an accurate timing set up, each round was about 1:40-1:50 – first round didn’t push the bike like I did the rest of the sets. Set 5 was the slowest on the bike, but all other sets were around 35-38.
Burpee were slow, but I could do them, I would say they were more on the side of uncomfortable than painful but it was a snake job anyway

This was a great piece for helping me get that heart rate elevated and pushing the pace.

6 sets
Row 18 cals
10 wallballs with 30lbs
2-3 ring MU
rest 90 sec bt sets
Had to cut short, subbed c2b and kept the volume low since I have more coming tomorrow.

Overall, shoulder was a little sticky during, but as the session/and day progressed it has felt better and better. The warm up was pretty key.
AB 10 min @ 200-250 watts

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