Saturday – 4/21/2018 – TTT

Shoulder extension protocol
3 sets, start a new set every 10 min
Row 1k @
20 box jumps @ 24in
20 deadlifts @ 185lbs
20 toes to bar



2nd round switched from t2b to ghd sit ups – same rep scheme. I could’ve grinded through the t2b the following 2 sets, it felt a little stress and uncomfortable, but I feel like we are gradually improving and getting healthy so didn’t want to risk anything that could slow that process down. With this, I wanted to slow down the row a bit becuase box jumps normally eat my lunch and wanted to find a way to push that pace. Wasn’t too jazzed up today to push the limits but did make sure I pushed a pace just past comfort level.

Hip flow x 5-6 min continuous movement
Box breathing from supine x 6-8 min, 3142 tempo
Done and done

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