Saturday – 7/21/2018 – TTT

6 burpees AFAP, rest 45 sec
8 jumping goblet squats @ 25lbs, rest 45 sec
10 sec AB HARD, rest 3 min x 2-3 sets


I can see the potential of the jumping goblet squats being terrible. 25 made it good
15 min squat snatch tech work for quality

Stuck with the barbell
For time
10->1 Burpee box jumps to 24in (decrease by 1/round)
2->20 AB cals (increase by 2/round)

In hindsight I could’ve gone much harder on the bike. Each bike interval I kept around 400 watts, I expected there would be a ton more carry over from the bike and burpee. So wish I would’ve pushed getting a little more uncomfortable

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