Wednesday – 8/8/2018 – TTT

Mcgill big 3 for core stiffness and our old shoulder extension protocol to open up chest

Clean pulls 3×3, rest 3 min

275 across
For Time (12 min cap)
30 BFB
20 DL @ 225
30 BFB
20 DL @ 275
30 BFB
20 DL @ 315

4 deads @ 315


First 30 burpee were a good pace and got first deadlift in around 1:59. First set was done in 2 sets, 2nd burpee were slower for sure, but I did 12 reps, made one plate change on one side, did 10 more reps, changed plates on the other side and finished the 8. Same strategy on the last set of deads. I think the 275 was done in 3 sets I believe, I did 8 and then don’t remember the last 2. Rested too much bt sets. One positive feedback I have for myself is the transitions from burpee to dead and dead to burpee had quick transitions. Burpees got slower, rest bt sets of deads were too much, but overall happy with this one.


Groin update: this thing is a funny thing, today it felt less groin and more anterior hip. Cyclist squats felt great and were a great way to warm it up. RNT lunges also felt ok and utilized them to warm up. At the start of the day pulling the bar off the ground definitely felt a little discomfort in the hip but as the adrenaline and blood flow got going I was fine.

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