Saturday – 8/11/2018 – TTT

A – Muscle snatch x 3/Pressing snatch balance x 3/Tall snatch pull under x 3, new complex every 90 sec x 4 (light load, prime the patterns and feel the positions out)

75 across

Shoulder was not happy and super angry
B – Squat snatch x 1/Hang Squat snatch x 1 – new complex every 90 sec x 6, stay around 75-80% effort for the day and accumulate good volume

135×3, 145, 165×2
AMRAP 15 min
4 ring MU
6 shuttle runs (25ft out and back = 1, so 300ft/round)
8 dbl DB cleans @ 50/hand

Did in a garage gym which was fine, however the ring set up was tough to manage becuase my feet would hit the ground so just opted to do them all as singles. My shoulder was not happy at all today but the later rounds it got pretty warm and was manageable.

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