Saturday – 10/13/2018 – TTT

For time
150 DU’s
60 wallballs
30 chest to bar pullups
150 DU’s



Really bummed with myself, not necessarily my performance, but my mental effort here. I was not comfortable at all with high respiration rate. I went earlier in the day, and that played a role, but not a huge role. Before I went I decided I wanted to go unbroken, but changed my plan in the middle. First dubz unbroken. Wall ball broke up into 3 sets, 26/20/14 – I will watch my video of transitions and rest times bt wall balls, but I already know it was way too long, and I’m kind of disappointed in myself for it. My thought was break to give my shoulders a break so I could go unbroken on pull ups. After wall balls my heart rate and respiration was high so I decided to break pull ups even before i started. Pull ups 20/10. Dubz, i took one break and one miss, shoulders/lats were effected but I grinded through the last 60 reps. If it works in design structure, I would love the chance to retest this, but not sure if it will be the best evaluation. Just knowing that i need to embrace the workout will yield a better result in itself.

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