Friday – 10/26/2018 – TTT

A – Axle bar strict press x 6,4,2,12. rest 2 min

B1 – 3 ring MU transition only, no dip out, rest 60 sec
B2 – 3 ring MU for quality and crisp form, rest 2 min x 5 sets

Putting these 2 together felt great. I hope we do a few more progressions of this. I loved it and it had tons of carryover from the transition to the full movement
C – Rope pullups AMRAP x 4 sets, switch top hand every set, must hang 3 sec at bottom of each rep. bottom hand is at elbow of top hand.

5 rounds for time
30 DU’s
15 toes to bar

(rest 5 min)
5 rounds for time
10 deadlifts @ 225lbs
15 HR pushups



Ttb – broke up sets 9/6, 9/6, 9/6, 6/5/4, 6/4/4/1

After the 4th set, I felt efficiency was out the window, so I’m assuming my current capacity is around 45-50 reps, I knew it would happen but was curious when it would happen.


HR push ups – broke these up a lot but in the last round I had a good break through that I have struggled with lately, I was breathing heavy, but told myself only stop if you fail a rep or have to really grind to finish a rep, I slowed down on the last few reps but I never stopped. This was a good mental hurdle for me.


There is a good chance that tomorrow training will not happen. We are hosting another comp, we are done at a decent time but going to make a game time decision based on how my body feels after working it. Especially knowing what would be in store and I feel I would need to be 100% ready to rock mentally.

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