Monday – 10/29/2018 – TTT

Saturday was not going to happen at all. I was in the car for 5 hours on friday night, about 4.5 hours of sleep and working comp all day, figured it would be my best interest to not train or push up.

Squat snatch 15 min EMOM
6 min – 3 reps @ 135lbs
6 min – 2 reps @ 155lbs
6 min – 1 rep @ 185
This was pretty good. 135 and 155 went really well.

The first rep @ 185 felt heavy as shit as that jump was aggressive in this scenario. But my goal was to not miss a single rep and I got better as I went. Low back fatigue creeped in in 2nd set of 155.

2:00 AB building from 70-85% effort (gradually ramping HR across this interval)
No rest, into the following at 85-90% ‘aerobic effort’
10 dbl DB hang squat cleans @ 50/hand
15 dbl DB push jerks
10 dbl DB box step overs (50/hand, 24in)
15 row cals
Rest 4-6 Minutes
x4 sets (alternate the order of these movements each set)

I forgot to make the notes of my times after each set when I left the gym so I will try and remember the best I can but what I do remember is that I got better with each set. I did underestimate how long it would take so I didnt have a proper warm and I got more warm and prepped each set. I also was prepared that all except for the row would have the potential to sky rocket my heart rate, so broke reps up but felt it out as I went. Might have created slower times for sure but I definitely stayed aerobic and heart rate monitor kept me around 145.




A1 – Wall walk into lean away and pirouhette/small controlled steps x 3 ‘reps’ (work on building a forward lean with feet leading and patient hand movement –
These got better with each set as I started out being a little frustrated but found some good focal points to emphasize that helped me improve the movement.

A2 – Kneeling to standing strict MU with foot assist x 3 reps for control, rest 2 min x 5 sets (

B1 – Lean away weighted pullups @ 41X1 tempo x 3, rest 90 sec


I have a not in my lats that is not happy with me. Made the first couple of reps a little lit up but loosened up.
B2 – Band assisted front lever pulls x 2-3 into tucked front lever hold 10-15 sec, rest 90 sec x 3 sets
The tucked front lever was brutal going directly into it after the lever pulls.

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