Saturday – 11/10/2018 – TTT

AMRAP 12 min
12 1-arm DB hang clean and jerk @ 50lbs (6/side)
9 chest to bar pullups
6 BBJO 30in



The good – tried to mentally run some numbers for myself here and assumed each round for me would be about 90s, so decided to pace about starting a new set every 2 min. All c2b done ub, felt pretty good. The big takeaway here is I could’ve scored better if I wanted to endure the high breathing demands of the bbjo, but today I didn’t really want to. Shoulder actually felt better than it did doing that movement in the open in February, some of being aware of the movement, but also that that was the first tell tale sign we should’ve been more aware that something bad was on the horizon.


Good revelation for future workouts, attacking warm ups and feeling what it is like to do some mini rounds starting with the bbjo, not only do they sky rocket my heart rate, but I didn’t get any prep before of doing any db c&j immediately preceded by some bbjo. My warm up was cut short due to having to complete the session before class, but even with the limited time having made this quick adjustment I could’ve had a system much better prepared for the demands of the workout.
Row 3k @ easy pace, < 22strokes/min

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