Tuesday – 12/4/2018 – TTT

4 sets
600m run, directly into
18-15-12 reps each
rest 5 min bt sets each




Had a pretty good warm up going into today so that’s not the reason for the improving times. Also, I had 2 really good meals before training today, it has been a long day since I have done that and tried some different nutritional things, might be onto something that really made the body feel good.


3rd set – decided to try and trust myself and see what happend so went for keeping my row above 1300 and 1400 cal/hr, ski about 1100 and tried to stay around upper 300’s on bike. I was happy and just trusted that I could keep it and I was fine. Set 4 about the same numbers but a little bit higher on row, and pushed the bike just a bit more, but those paces might not have been as sustainable had there been one more set after.

Face up GHD plank hold 25 sec on, 1:35 rest x 4


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