Saturday – 12/8/2018 – TTT

A – Front squat waveload – 5,3,1,5,3,1. rest 3 min bt sets, get heavier with each step in the wave and then corresponding sets for each wave.

B – Rear foot elevated split squats with back rack x 8/side, rest 60 sec bt legs x 3 sets each (end heavier than last week)

3 rounds for time
Row 500m
10 bar MU
5 sandbag ground over shoulder @ 150lbs


Bmu unbroken first round – 6/4 and then 4/4/2 – last row was a grind – sandbag is a pretty loose 150, so if i didn’t have great position and it got away from my center of gravity it would take a lot out of effort to complete that rep. Happend once in round 3 and slowed me down. Grinded through the last set as quick as turnover as I could and was pretty happy about that.

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