Friday – 12/14/2018 – TTT

EMOM x 10

Odd min – 12 wallballs @ 30lbs

Even min – 4 burpee bar MU

Pretty good feel here


EMOM x 8

Odd min – 12 toes to bar

Even min – 25DU + 30ft HS walk

Handstand walk on first 2 were good, had to break on the last 2 pushing towards the minute

On the 4th set of ttb I was tempted to break – the set of 12 was tough but only had 5-7 sec to transition from walk to ttb. Also grip was slightly efffected and was having to re-grip every 2-3 reps. But abs were definitely fatigued. If there was 2 more 2 more minutes it would’ve been a huge fight to finish the ttb unbroken


EMOM x 6

AB 16 cals

Didn’t have the same amount of power this week – still made all numbers but not as effectively as last weeks 30s each set. Had a hard time getting the watts high enough in the first 5-8 seconds so I know this forced me to grind a little harder


(rest to full recovery before this)

EMOM x 4

Bar facing burpees x 16 (all 4 at 16!!)

I got the firsts 3 – 14 as the time expired on the last set but still got the volume in


Detailed info about my perceived limiting factors. Set three I finished the last rep with about one second to go it was in that set that it was difficult to bring my feet to my hands forcing me to take an extra stop before jumping over the bar. Breathing was super high but I was ok with that mentally and physically. But the main struggle was getting the feet as far forward in the burpee as the previous 2. I know for one this effected the cycle time of the reps in that round but the energy expanded to try and get my feet closer to the hands was so much more work.

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