Saturday – 12/29/2018 – TTT

A – Squat snatch triple without dropping the bar, find a max load in a 5 min window from empty bar

rest 1 min

@ 6 min mark, start

3 rounds for time

16 OHS @ 135lbs

8 ring MU

*12 min time cap


If this were an actual qualifier, I would’ve stopped and started over


Opened with 165 and it was super easy and I underestimated how easy that would be, didn’t want to make a 20lb jump so did 15, hit that easily, and went to 190, missed that.


Over strategized breaking up sets to stay super fresh on muscle ups. On the 4th rep on muscle ups, I went flying through the rings and had a nasty fall, luckily I set up the dollamr mat below so there was no physical problems, just got into my head mentally. From that point on I just kind of apprehensively slowed down. Got really lazy on last set of muscle ups, I missed the very last rep, rep #7 of that round was kind of a grind and should’ve dropped and jumped right back up, but thought go for it. The miss was due to my right hand not rotating into a good catch position.

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