Monday – 4/22/2019 – TTT

60-90 sec each station x 2-3 rounds

Clean and jerk – 4 tough reps for the day, full rest


Footwork was my biggest weakness here. I feel pretty confident that I could’ve hit a much heavier clean, but the footwork on my jerk was way off today.
(Clean lift off (2in) + Clean deadlift with 4 sec negative) * 3 reps, rest 2-3 min x 3-4, tough loading

I was so excited to work on the rope climb today, so I completely forgot about this and did it on the back end. Probably effected my overall loading of keeping them all tough

2 sets for times, full rest between
Rope climb x 3
Dbl Db devil press x 9
Rope climb x 1
(turnover for first 3, then get a feel for what that first rep feels like after the devil press)
2:34 – 1st rope climb is not fun. Rope descent felt better today, but still need some refinement. 1-2 more touches and might help big time

2:38 – broke the DP into 6&3, quick transition to that rope climb and it was a grind, transition in the first set was more like 10-15 sec. breaking them in that scenario with a few second rest might be a good move.

Do you think that there is any reward to do a c&j for the DP? I don’t know if the increased time under tension is worth the trade out.


Uneven ring pullups x 3-4/top hand x 3 sets, rest as needed


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