Monday – 7/15/2019 – TTT

90 sec progressive intensity row, start at 1:50 and end around 1:35, directly into

10 1-arm KB front rack squats @ 53lbs (5/side)

10 1-arm KB russian swings @ 53lbs (5/side)

10 lateral box jump overs @ 20in

rest walk 2 min x 3 sets

I highly underestimated the potency of this. I was way more sneaky than I anticipated. Was unable to do a left hand kb rack squat, but was fine holding the bell in the palm of my left hand with a slight insurance assistance from the right hand was fine. First round the swinging of my arms irritated the shoulder but that loosened up and went away. 


90 sec progressive intensity bike, start at 300 watts and end around 450 watts, directly into

50 Du’s

15 wallballs

15 toes to bar (adust to GHD if needed for shoulder)

rest walk 2 min x 3 sets

Of all the things we did today, the double under gave me the most discomfort. WB @ 20 were fine, I assume the impact of the 30 might have been a little stressful. TTB were fine


Ski erg 50 cals @ 85% effort, new set every 5 min x 4

3:05 – 3:15-3:11-3:02

In the 2nd round my low back, tri’s and lats blew up and I was not comfortable at all and just wanted to survive. From there on I just decided to suck it up and get the shit done.


Overall today, was just happy to train and glad I could move and wasn’t in much pain at all. It just felt good to get after it. But man it felt like it just kicked my ass today. 


Did some movement exploration and db snatch was fine, 1-arm db c&j was fine on the left side up until the 50’s and that load was doable but a little unstable and higher volume there would probably pose some problems. Burpee were fine, didn’t try to do any fast but just wanted to see how it felt. 


Tomorrow I’m supposed to have a 10 mile road bike…..I have no access to a road bike, what are my options?

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